Hailey Woods' quest for "Gold" led to a generous gift for the patients at the J.D. McCarty Center.
Woods, a Girl Scout, donated bicycles and games to the patients through a project to earn the Girl Scouts Gold Award, a prestigious award in the organization. Hailey was approved for the award in March.
Her project fundraiser resulted in 18 bikes, helmets and games for the patients.
Hailey is a student at Norman North High School and is with Troop 3313 in Norman.
She has given back to the center before when the troop volunteered with a gardening project.
Hailey said she hopes the patients enjoy the bikes and games and time spent playing outdoors.
Jennifer Woods, Hailey's mom, said she's proud of her daughter and "excited that she was able to help the J.D. McCarty Center."
To earn the Gold Award, Girl Scouts select an issue in their community or globally that they care about, develop a plan to address the issue, submit a project proposal to the local Girl Scout council for approval and carry out the plan, according to the Girl Scouts website, girlscouts.org.